When he appeared on The Flash (2014), the shades were his way of sensing dimensional disturbances and the like. Cisco, meanwhile, only has them as part of the costume. However, he keeps them even in his superhero costume. Cool Shades: The shades are part of Paco's image as a gang member.Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Vibe went missing during Forever Evil (2013), and hasn't reappeared since.This was of course dropped with the Cisco version of Vibe. He also turns out to be Armando, Cisco's presumed-dead oldest brother. Arch-Enemy: In the New 52, Vibe's is Rupture, a relentless warrior with the same vibrational powers and a glowing red scythe.While Amanda Waller clearly wants brutal pragmatism in every fight, Vibe's sympathetic tendencies lead him to quickly trying to help his targets instead of taking them down. All-Loving Hero: What continues to get Cisco in hot water with while working for A.R.G.U.S.The New 52 and The Flash (2014) have him addressed as Cisco Ramon. Adaptation Name Change: Originally, Vibe's civilian name was Paco Ramone.This comic book character demonstrates examples of: He disappeared during Forever Evil (2013), his fate currently unknown.īoth versions of Vibe have appeared in other media, the most prominent being Cisco from The Flash (2014), played by Carlos Valdes. He joined Steve Trevor's Justice League of America, and received his own short-lived series, Justice League of America's Vibe. After Cisco was caught in the event horizon of a Boom Tube when Darkseid's forces attacked Earth, his vibrational frequency was set out of sync with the rest of the world, making it impossible to film or photograph him, and leaving him able to sense dimensional disturbances and generate shock waves. Several Cosmic Retcons later, Vibe was reimagined for the New 52 relaunch, renicknamed and respelled as "Cisco" Ramón. Tragically, he was killed by Professor Ivo's androids during the Legends crossover, becoming the first Justice League member to be killed in action. Despite his goofy exterior, he proved himself a hero. When the Justice League of America moved to Detroit, Paco declared himself a member, and the League, desperate for new blood, accepted him.
She went from merely turning invisible to gaining proficiency in swords and firearms.Ī teenage gang member from Detroit, Francisco "Paco" Ramone was born with the power to create vibratory shock waves-a "one-man earthquake". Took a Level in Badass: In Justice League Task Force.She did start as basically a street thief. Roguish Romani: Gypsy is sometimes Romani, sometimes not, Depending on the Writer.Parental Abandonment: They were eventually killed by Despero.Mutant: Her powers were inborn rather than gained from an external source.She can camouflage both herself and someone standing in close proximity to her.
Magical Romani: Of Romani descent, and has the power of illusion.Invisibility: Originally she could only cloak herself, but as she's grown older, she's learned to affect multiple people and objects.Hot Gypsy Woman: She is indeed part Roma, but despite her name, writers don't usually harp on it and she's defined by more than just her ethnicity.Fights Like a Normal: Gypsy's main strengths are her skill at stealth, martial arts, firearms, and electronics.Fad Super: Gypsy was originally a transparent ( hah) attempt to cash in on Cyndi Lauper's popularity.Artistic Age: She was only 14 when she first joined Justice League Detroit, but youd never know, because she was drawn as more developed like a young adult.She has been trained by Bronze Tiger, and Shiva has offered to train her as well. Action Girl: Aside from her powers, Gypsy is an expert in hand-to-hand combat.She has also been a member of the Birds of Prey. Gypsy is almost a surrogate daughter to the Martian Manhunter and joined him in his Justice League Task Force. She ran away to Detroit at around the same time the Justice League set up shop there, and after using her powers to covertly aid them in a fight, she was offered membership. Fleeing their breakup, Cindy took to the streets when she manifested the power to turn invisible. Power Ring/Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)Ĭindy Reynolds was born into a happy suburban family, but her parents' relationship eventually soured.